No one told me that time would go faster as I got older. I do not want to keep getting older. It is already going too fast - I can hardly keep up! In just 2 months, I will be 30. I really never imagined myself hitting 30. It still sounds very adultish and distant. I know it is silly, but the age thing is really bothering me. Makes me feel quite old. I want to pause time so I can enjoy this stage more. I want to live in the moment. I am often too busy trying to catch up with the clock that I find the day is over and I am still not there.
This past year has been a whirlwind. I am hard pressed to say what I have done. Yet, when I look back, I joy in my children. My oldest, the leader, is now reading fluently. My second, the artist, started school this fall. My third is developing his creative genius always making one thing or another. Number 4 is a smiley little cuddler, an easygoing baby who is growing up way too fast!
Yesterday, my little guy reached his 11-month milestone. He is walking, signing, climbing, and laughing. Each day I am amazed, and often frazzled, but time marches on. For now, more hugs, stories, and bedtime snuggles; less dishes, vacuuming, and worrying (ha!). I am so afraid I am going to miss all the important stuff.
1 comment:
Trust me, it continues to go faster. Enjoy each day with your children.
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