Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sprouted Wheat

Sprouting releases vitamins and nutrients from the germ of the seed and improves digestibility do to enzymes. Edible seeds, nuts, and beans are sproutable (do not eat seeds produced for gardening- they may have pesticides!). You can sprout in a jar on your counter, you do not need a fancy sprouter. I love to sprout wheat and add it to homemade whole wheat bread. It give it a great texture. Here's how:

  1. Put 1/4 c. (mason jar) - 1/2 c. (big appleauce jar) wheat in your jar. Fill with very hot tap water. Allow to soak for 8-12 hours.

  2. Cover the top with nylon mesh (such as the kind you buy garlic in) strapped onto the jar with a rubber band. Pour off soak water.

  3. Store upside down so excess water can drip out (I prop it in a bowl). I swirl the jar around so the sprouts stick to the sides and have more space and air circulating. Sprouts for eating should be kept out of the sunlight.
  4. Rinse sprouts twice a day by filling jar with cold water and then draining immediately.
  5. Your wheat sprouts will grow a tiny root that looks like a hair. When it is about 1/8 in.-1/4 in. long, they are ready. You can also taste them each time you rinse and stop when you like the result. It only takes about 48 hours. Results vary depending on the temperature, etc. They can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container on a paper towel for a few days, but they will continue to grow, so use quickly. Once it becomes wheat grass it will not taste as good!
  6. Add sprouts to a rice pilaf, soup, or homemade bread.

Sprouting is a good way to stretch your food budget. You can have fresh greens all winter long by sprouting alfalfa, mung beans, etc. These can be found in the bulk section of your local health food store quite inexpensively. You can also sprout beans and lentils before cooking them, which improves nutrition and digestibility!

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