STAINS: pre-treat as soon as possible with your preferred method. (I spray on some Shout and scrub it in with an old toothbrush).
SORT: clothes go right into the designated hampers so you always know when you have a full load. I sort into whites, lights, and darks.
TIME: Picking a laundry day (or 2 or 3!) is helpful to a lot of people. I just do 3 loads every 2-3 days, when those hampers are getting full.
HINTS: Use the warmest water recommended for the fabric, especially if using powdered detergent. Don't let wet clothes sit in the washing machine!!
KEEP IT MOVING: Fold laundry and put away ASAP! This is the hardest part! Teach your toddlers to fold laundry. It is tedious doing chores with small children, but it will be worth it when they can fold by themselves at age 3 or 4!
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